Inter Continental Human
Rights Commisson



Welcome to the

Inter Continental Human Rights Commission

We are not a (NGO) non-government organization because We work with the government of united Kingdom and human rights all over the world.The IC Human Rights Commission is a UK-based Human Rights Commission.We work from the north pole to the South Pole. Also, we directly deal with Geneve. commission against Human rights violations in Asia, Operating from Singapure & Sri Lanka. Our directors are mostly MBBS Doctors, Attorney at laws, Engineers, Architects, FRCS, FRCP-Qualified Doctors from the UK.
We have started & maintain a international standard law college/ university of law specially for Asia to give them a thorough understanding/ knowledge of law to servive in the universe

Our Core Values

Raise Awarenes

We work diligently to increase public awareness about human rights issues, shedding light on systemic abuses and advocating for solutions at both local and global levels.

Empower Communities

Through capacity-building programs and empowerment initiatives, we equip communities with the knowledge and tools to protect their rights and advocate for change.

Policy Influence

We engage with policymakers, governments, and international bodies to influence legislation and policy that upholds human rights principles.

Provide Support

We offer support to victims of human rights violations, providing a safe space and access to resources to aid their recovery and seek justice.

Global Reach, Local Impact

With a presence in multiple continents, IC-HRC's impact reaches far and wide. We collaborate with governments, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), grassroots activists, and other stakeholders to address systemic issues, bridge gaps in
human rights protection, and promote dialogue for sustainable solutions.


HRCSL Commemorates the International Human Rights Day – 2022

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) commemorated International Human Rights Day 2022 on the 12th of December 2022, at Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Colombo 7 under the theme of “I have a Voice – Dignity, Freedom and Justice for all”. The event focused on challenges faced by vulnerable or marginalized groups within the Human rights context. Approximately 120 participants from government institutions and civil societies participated in this event. Honourable Chief Justice (Retired) of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, Justice Asoka De Silva was invited as the Chief Guest of this Occasion.

Press Notice No: HRC/P/i/E/05/07/23

Justice L.T.B. Dehideniya, the newly appointed Chairman of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka assumed office on 4th July 2023 at HRCSL Head Office at No 14, R. A. De Mel Mawatha, Colombo 04. He met with the senior officials of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka and exchanged views over a friendly discussion.

The Message of the Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka on International Day in Support of Victims of Torture-2023

Freedom from torture is an absolute right of all human beings which cannot be restricted under any circumstances. Nonetheless, the heinous act of torture both physical and mental is widespread in Sri Lanka and worldwide. The consequences of this blatant human rights violation is not just faced by the victims of torture but also their families, friends, and witnesses. Thus, on this International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka adds special emphasis on the need to provide all forms of support to victims, their families, and witnesses without discrimination.

The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, through its inquiries and investigative mechanisms, takes all measures within its capacity to provide redress and reparation to the victims of torture. However, the support required by victims and their families extends beyond reparations to receiving the fullest rehabilitation through specialised programmes which include the provision of continued psychological support until full recovery is attained.

  • No 165, Clarence Av, KT33TX, New Malden, Surrey - UK
  • No. 187, Ward Place, Colombo 07
  • Tel: +94 117 133554
  • Tel: +94 117 133540
  • Tel: +94 114 756 001
  • Tel: +94 114 756 003
  • Fax/Tel: +94 114 756 002
  • [email protected]